Friday, June 11, 2010

Is Reading Worth The Time Investment When So Much Is Forgotten?

"John Piper says yes. 
In a message long ago (July 12, 1981) he said this:
What I have learned from about twenty-years of serious reading is this: It is sentences that change my life, not books. What changes my life is some new glimpse of truth, some powerful challenge, some resolution to a long-standing dilemma, and these usually come concentrated in a sentence or two. I do not remember 99% of what I read, but if the 1% of each book or article I do remember is a life-changing insight, then I don’t begrudge the 99%.
Read, but not to remember everything. Read because that 1% that you remember has the potential to change your life."

(HT: C.J. Mahaney)

So look for the 'spiritual nuggets' in every book/article you read. B/c those nuggets have the potential to change your life...and yes...even as a Christian!

A great reminder & encouragement to persevere by allowing the body of Christ to be a means of grace to us as we read words that push us to Christ.

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