Friday, February 12, 2010

To Have A Godly Father

Each of us has been placed by God in a specific time, in a specific place, with a specific family, and I'm sure a million other specifics. And one of the things that I have really come to enjoy, as I've gotten older (I'm now 35), is listening to how God has used earthly fathers to spiritually encourage their sons, who are now pastors/ministers in the gospel ministry.

I'm a first generation Christian. I don't have years of godly advice and wisdom that has been passed down to me from my dad. God didn't save my dad until I graduated and left home to prepare for ministry. My dad and I have an incredible relationship and friendship to this day. But since God saved me, almost 20 years ago, and my other brother and sisters, we've had to by God's grace, begin this tradition of passing on the legacy of faith to our children.

I say all this, because when I read what some other brother's dad passed on to him spiritually it encourages me and blesses me. But the truth is there is also a little in me that wishes that I could have had a good jump in life for Jesus from my dad. It is in those moments when I know that I must repent and trust that Christ is doing a good work in me for my children today. I must lean on His providence and wisdom and not my own.

Anyway, I was reminded about all this when I read what Ray Ortlund's dad told him growing up.

"My dad used to say to me, when I was a kid, 'Listen, son. Half-hearted Christians are the most miserable people of all. They know enough to feel guilty, but they haven’t gone far enough with Christ to be happy. Be wholehearted for him!'

I used to roll my eyes when you said that. I don’t any more."

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