Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I Love My Wife!

To all of you (family, friends, former church members) who keep up with this blog.....I wanted to say something. I Love My Wife!

I know that I can't say it enough, but God really did bless me with a Christ-centered woman.

There were many things in the early days of our marriage that I didn't know about her and that I could only learn them by being married to her, for almost 11 years now. And I'm sure there will be more to love and appreciate as God would be pleased to give us a lifetime together. But I love my wife...

I love, her love for God. I cannot get over how much Christ has captured her heart. She is in a constant season of relating everything in life to Christ. I literally mean everything. She is so consumed with looking at creation, history, culture, and even math that is centered somehow around Christ. Christ has done and continues to do a wonderful work of grace in her life, by keeping her tethered to Him. She loves Jesus!

I love her mind. She is a humble, but brilliant thinker when it comes to the scriptures. This is actually what drew me to her when we first met. I had met men who were well learned in the scriptures, but for some reason the list of ladies was lacking. So when God sent Stephanie my way, I immediately recognized her love for God's Word and biblical theology. God constantly uses her to sharpen me and keep my walk with God fresh! She loves to study the Bible in order to know God better. She is always eager to talk with someone about the Doctrines of the faith (and for some reason, this always takes place at Wal-Mart). She is eager for sound doctrine and loves a good conversation with people who may be lacking in their understanding of biblical theology. She has a good passion for people to understand the true Gospel. She loves the Bible!

I love the way she loves our children. Now I know moms love their children, but mainly I'm talking about 'the way' she loves our children. I have never seen a person who loves her children the way Stephanie loves our kids. She is constantly talking about God, the Bible, Sin, and the Cross with them. She is so affectionate with them. It's impossible to count the hugs and kisses every day or even in an hour for that matter that she gives out....and we have 5 kids so she's given out a bunch! But it shows in the way that our children love her back. Her heart is definitely towards our children and our children's hearts are definitely towards her. She is cultivating a safe haven for our children that is centered around Christ and is driven by expressing and displaying love to each other. She loves our children!

I love, her love for the people in our church. She has been through a lot in her short time in ministry, as a minister's wife. But God has really done a beautiful work of grace and forgiveness in her life toward others. And because of this work of God, she is able to love the folks at NLC with a genuine Godward love. She longs for this church to be a body where we are consumed with the love of Christ and prays to that end for each of us. She longs to see people come to saving faith in Christ through this ministry. She loves to share the gospel and engage people with the love and mercy of God. She loves to see the children laughing and playing together at church or Life Group. She longs for the day when God will do a sweet work of salvation in each of their lives. She loves New Life Church!

I love the way she loves me. I guess this is a bit narcissistic of me, but I'm thankful to God for all that He has made her to be, for me! She is truly my helpmate. She makes me a better pastor. She gives good counsel when I need it and she makes sure that I'm laboring hard for Christ and His Church. When I think that I've failed miserably or messed up royally, God uses her to bring me so much encouragement and peace during the stormy times. She is definitely a means of God's grace to me.

And because of her love for the scriptures, I can lean to her at times for insight on a certain verse or passage of scripture as I prep for sermons. She is truly ready in season and out of season to give an account for the hope that is in her. She loves her husband!

I love my wife!

And I am so thankful to God that He put her in my life!

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