Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sermon Prep

I used to hear from my other pastor friends that their sermon prep was always a sweet time of sanctification and drawing near to God. Since I often heard this, I've sort of been craving that while I was a staff pastor. Not that my own devotion and study times were not rich with sanctification and drawing near to God, but there did seem to be a much more significant depth where God was taking my 'brother pastors' during their sermon prep time.

As a new pastor, I'm going on my second week of sermon prep and I'm definitely feeling the gravity of preaching God's Word to a congregation that is consistently watching and observing my life. At least I hope they are watching. I do want to be someone that they can imitate in their faith b/c I'm imitating Christ (1 Corinthians 11.1).

But I was in my sermon prep this evening closing out on 1 Cor.
, when I was laboring over verses 14 & 15....

"If any man's work which he has built upon it remains, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work is burned up, he shall suffer loss; but he himself shall be saved, yet so as through fire."

Now as a new pastor starting a new church, I've been quick to think that my building/laboring on the foundation of Christ has been, well, with 'good materials'. But tonight it was as if God just really dropped the significance of this ministry on my heart once again. Driving me to evaluate my own motives and service. He was causing me to evaluate my own efforts with my wife and children in order to make sure that I'm building a solid structure in their lives upon the foundation of Christ with the Word of Christ.

I absolutely desire to build beautiful structures for God. Ones that will not burn up when the testing of fire comes, but will stand strong and secure, because their foundation is on Christ and their structure has been built with the best of materials such as the biblical doctrine of the Trinity, the doctrines of Grace, the doctrine of Christ's Church, the doctrine of the second coming of Christ, etc. I must evaluate myself constantly in these areas b/c...

"It is easy to fool ourselves into thinking that anything we do in the Lord's name is in His service, just as long as we are sincere, hardworking, and well meaning. But what looks to us like gold may turn out to be straw, because we have not judged our materials by the standards of God's Word--pure motives, holy conduct, and selfless service." John MacArthur

So let us not be deceived, but to build well with the best of materials from God's Word, building as a master builder would on Jesus Christ!

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