Friday, April 30, 2010

One Reason Why Nietzche Rejected Christianity

“I never saw the members of my father’s church enjoying themselves.”

Quoted in Current Thoughts and Trends, June 2001, page 4.

(HT: Ray Ortlund)

The Best Way To Discipline Your Kids

In his autobiography, John Paton, Scottish missionary to the New Hebrides, reflects on how his father so effectively responded to his children's disobedience:

If anything really serious required to be punished, he retired first to his "closet" for prayer, and we boys got to understand that he was laying the whole matter before God; and that was the severest part of the punishment for me to bear! I could have defied any amount of mere penalty, but this spoke to my conscience as a message from God.

We loved him all the more, when we saw how much it cost him to punish us; and, in truth, he had never very much of that kind of work to do upon any one of all the eleven—we were ruled by love far more than by fear. (John G. Paton: Missionary to the New Hebrides, p.17, paragraphing added)

(HT: Desiring God)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Combined Forces Of The Trinity...Wow!

“The Father is intimately involved in our lives so that our circumstances train us in godliness. The Son has set us free from both the penalty and the power of sin so that we now live under the reign of grace. The Spirit gives us a new attitude toward sin and a new power to change.

The combined forces of the Trinity are at work in our lives to set us free and make us holy.”

~ Tim Chester, You Can Change

(HT: Of First Importance)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

NLC Journal Day 13

Acts 13 -- 4.2.08

Father thank you for working in my life to bring about more sanctification and a pursuit of holiness. Father work Your sovereign grace in my life to the glory of Christ. Please fill me with Your Spirit that I may live a life that is worthy of the Lord Jesus Christ.

As I read Acts 13 I recognize Your calling on Saul & Barnabas at Antioch. Father I see a similar call for me. You have been pleased to send me out to preach and proclaim the gospel by establishing a church for the glory of King Jesus. In chapter 13 I have gleaned a couple of Scriptures to pray for New Life.

1. They proclaimed forgiveness of sins and that justification from everything is only through Jesus (v.38)

Father help us to proclaim and communicate the gospel so that everyone will know the only way for forgiveness and justification is through Jesus Christ. Help to make us first aware of the importance and significance of this crucial doctrine and then commend that to all those around us.

2. The next sabbath the whole city gathered to hear the Word of the Lord (v.44)

Father give us a place whether it's Eads or somewhere that would certainly please You--where we can see the whole city come to hear the Word of the Lord. God, please do this kind of work through us to the community You would plant us in.

3. The Word of the Lord spread through the whole region (v.49)

Wow. Could this be Your answer Father? We know that planting this church in Eads would give us access to many of the surrounding cities and we would definitely seek to be a regional church with a centralized location. Father what a testimony of seeing a city like Pisidian Antioch come to hear the Word of the Lord and then the Word spreading through the "whole region". God make Your Word and name great among us, Your people of New Life Church.

4. The disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit (v.52)

Father it's just the Blessings and the Whittens, but Father please fill us with Your joy that we have been found to do Your will in this capacity. Please fill us with Your Holy Spirit that we will know it's not by our might, power or wisdom, but by Your Spirit who dwells in us. Amen!

The Bible Is Its Own Evangelist

"The Bible is its own evangelist. I came to faith because I was deeply affected by the words of the Bible. The famous British preacher Charles Spurgeon was once asked how he responded to criticisms of the Bible. "Very easy," he responded. "I defend the Bible the same way I defend a lion. I simply let it out of its cage."

That quote captures our vision for this book and for the growth of ministries that are committed to the passionate, articulate, and powerful reading of Scripture. Isn't it time to let the Bible out of the cage, or (to borrow from the title of this book) to unleash God's Word?"

~ Max McLean

(HT: Tim Challies)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

NLC Journal Day 12

Acts 12 -- 3.28.08

Father as I read chapter 12 I notice that there was a consistent rising up against Christians and how those who were truly followers of Christ were steadfast and immovable even to the point of imprisonment and death.

I also recognize the diligence of the church to pray for those under heavy persecution and trials. But the one thing that I see that seems to be a recurring theme in Acts during this time is found in verse 24.

1. The Word of God continued to increase and spread (v.24)

Now Father please make this a present reality for New Life. Make our church, Your people, to see that the Word of God increase in their own lives and spread Your Word as a mean of Your grace everywhere.

Oh God, please go before us and glorify Your name and make Your fame great amongst Your people and into our communities.

Father today Jeremy and I will be meeting to pray and discuss once again the location/area for New Life. Please give us wisdom and open the eyes of our hearts to be enlightened to the knowledge of Your will, so that we may live and lead this church in such a way that is worthy of the Lord.

Thank you Father for hearing my prayer. Glorify Yourself today. Amen!

NLC Journal Day 11

Acts 11 -- 3.27.08

Father as I read chapter 11 and think back to chapter 10 and how You displayed so clearly to Peter about how You wanted to grant repentance and salvation to the Gentiles...I want to say thank You. Thank You for recording those events in Scripture and thank You for saving all peoples.

Here in chapter 11 I glean 3 important principles about the church at Antioch that New Life will always need.

1. The Lord's Hand was with them (v.21)

Father the clear evidence of Your hand being with these Christians is that You were allowing a great number to believe. Father this is what I long for New Life, for a great number of people to believe and turn to the Lord. True biblical repentance. Make that happen Father!

2. Saw the evidence of the grace of God (v.23)

What a testimony Father. Here a godly man, Barnabas, comes to Antioch and sees the evidence of Your grace among these people. Let New Life be guilty of this kind of evidence!

3. For a whole year they met with the church and taught great numbers of people.

Now Father I know this is not prescriptive, but please give us a season to meet with Your people and simply teach them. Send us two more pastors who are able to teach and lead Your people Father. Give us this kind of fellowship, where we have able men to teach and willing people to learn and shake this world for Jesus. Amen!

NLC Journal Day 10

Acts 10 -- 3.26.08

Father I recognize two things in chapter 10...

1. Cornelius' offering was pleasing to God (v.4)

Father make all at New Life offer gifts and love to others pleasing to You. We don't want to give of ourselves and our blessings in vain. Help our worship and charity be as a memorial offering to You.

2. Peter commanded to preach that God appointed Jesus Judge of the living and the dead (v.42)

Father what a sobering testimony, command, and responsibility. Help us to feel the weight and gravity of this proclamation. Amen!

NLC Journal Day 9

Acts 9 -- 3.26.08

Father thank you for saving Paul's life and then putting His story, which is Your story in the Scriptures. Two things really stand out in chapter 9 for New Life.

1. Paul's fearless preaching in the name of Jesus (v.27)

Once again Father I pray for that kind of boldness, but more specifically that kind of faith in You to preach Christ to a lost world. Make New Life members...fearless people! That is what we need and ought to be Father!

2. The Church: enjoyed a time of peace; was strengthened and encouraged; grew in numbers; lived in the fear of the Lord

Wow...there's a lot there!

A. A time of peace

Father I know that any thing that is built and sustained in Christ will suffer times of trouble, but give New Life a time of peace. Especially at the very beginning help us to be at peace and extend peace to others.

B. Strengthened and Encouraged

Let this be the fruit of what we do through the power of your Holy Spirit, Father. Allowing us the peace to enjoy His ministry to us.

C. Grew in numbers

Father make New Life to grow. To give us a testimony amongst the critics, skeptics, and the selfish that we live for Christ's glory therefore we have His favor by seeing many come to Christ.

D. Lived in the fear of the Lord

Help us to not just be a people who come to church and fear or reverence Christ, but that our lives are consumed with worship to Him. Thank you Father!

Father give us Your blessing and Your favor to proclaim Christ and be found faithful. Make us to be a people of Christ that others desire to be like in order to honor Christ, b/c we live like Christ. Do Your mighty work of grace in our lives and to You be the glory. Amen.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

NLC Journal Day 8

Acts 8 -- 3.26.08

Father as the church began to spread/scatter and it becomes the object of more and more persecution one can only notice that the growing of the church is a result from the persecution. I admit to You Father that I do not know exactly how to pray through this or even for it. I hear about the persecution on the underground church in China and how millions are coming to Christ and Paul says that he fulfills what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ. I want the church to be established and even grow, but it is difficult for me to pray that the witness--affliction--of Christ would be made complete in the members of New Life. But I can pray that You would do a mighty work in us that we would be made willing to give that kind of witness for Christ!

Two more things stand out for me in Chapter 8...

1. Preaching the Word wherever they went and proclaiming Christ there (v.4)

What an incredible boldness Father that You gave to those Christians. Give that same kind of passion, awareness and boldness to New Life, so that we will proclaim and preach Christ wherever we are!

2. Philip told him the good news about Jesus (v.30-35)

I pray Father that You would give us men and women who could and would take the Scriptures and teach and disciple and lead folks to come to know Christ. That they would be willing to lay down their lives in order to invest their life into others who would grow into mature followers of Christ. Even from the OT, Philip proclaimed Christ to this worshipper and to see this man respond to the gospel is an awesome testimony of Your power to bring life where there is death and cause men and women to walk in Your ways is a strong desire that I long to see in New Life.

Make that happen even now Father. Bring us people who are searching and desiring after the things of God. Because those who seek and those who desire give evidence of Your Spirit's work in their life. Bear a fruitful harvest at New Life Father. Display Your glory to the world through New Life Church one soul at a time, but let there be a lot of 'times', so we can see a lot of souls saved...made alive to walk in a new way of life! Amen.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

All Things Faith

“We become Christians by faith in Jesus, we stay Christians by faith in Jesus, and we grow as Christians by faith in Jesus.”

~ Tim Chester, You Can Change, 43.

(HT: Of First Importance)

Monday, April 12, 2010

NLC Journal Day 7

Acts 7 -- 3.25.08

Father as I read chapter 7 and see the history of Your servants, the very men that You established to lead Your people, make New Life be a testimony of Your sovereign grace and providence. Let us be as such that even in the midst of heavy persecution and trials that we too will be a light for Your redemption for Your people.

Also Father, help make us to be a people like Stephen, who would be willing to give of their lives for the testimony of Jesus Christ and His gospel. I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen!

NLC Journal Day 6

Acts 6 -- 3.19.08

1. Don't neglect the ministry of the word (v.2)

Father as a young minister and a brand new church, give us wisdom, discernment, to know how to prioritize our time and ministry at new life. We do not want people to feel genuinely neglected, but at the same time we know the commitment to Your Word and to You in prayer is paramount. Please raise up faithful men, pastors & lay leaders who will serve Your church so we can be utmost committed to the preaching of Your Word.

2. The Word of God spread--the number of disciples increased (v.7)

Father let the reach of the gospel go far! Make disciples increase in our midst. Father help us to be faithful to Your Word and be diligent to make disciples of all peoples. God we know that it is our duty to plant the seed of the gospel in people's lives as well as to water the seeds planted, but you alone are the one that causes the growth (1 Corinthians 3.6). Cause the growth of converts, true repenters to grow deep and wide at New Life Church. Amen!

NLC Journal Day 5

Acts 5 -- 3.18.08

Father chapter 5 is interesting to me. It is obvious you are protecting the purity of Your church from those that would seek to deceive her, but to shift to something almost completely different in just one verse is puzzling, but I'm willing for You to teach me Your ways!

Two things really stand out for me in chapter 5:

1. Tell the people the full message of this New Life (v.20)

Father this is the main verse that You gave me to describe New Life's mission. Specifically in the Mid South. Father You know that so many people are blind to the truth and the full message of the gospel that leads to new life. Please even now, give us inroads, a platform, and favor with this community You would have us minister, in order to be a lighthouse of truth; to preach, to teach, to live, to love the people like never before. Father always keep us close to You so that we will always stay on the full message of Your Word and the gospel.

2. You have filled Jerusalem with your teaching (.v28)

Oh, what a joy it would be for us to be measured in this way of filling Eads, East Shelby County with the full message of Jesus Christ. Let this area that you give to us be filled with the teachings of Jesus and His magnificent glory! Amen and Amen!

NLC Journal Day 4

Acts 4 -- 3.18.08

As I continue this study through Acts I can't help but believe that God will truly be pleased to answer all these prayers, since it is coming straight from His Word.

Father in chapter 4 there are once again several aspects of the early church that I desire strongly for New Life. Please make these come to reality in New Life Church.

1. Many who heard the message believed and the number of men grew (v.4)

Father this is no uncommon prayer, but I must pray now and will, by Your grace pray til my dieing day, as the people hear Your message and Your Word preached cause them to believe, cause them to bow down with brokenness and sorrow over their sin and make them to believe Your Word. Grow our number this way--through conversions--Holy Spirit conversions!

2. Salvation is found in no one else (v.12)

Father give us boldness saturated in love to always herald and proclaim--Jesus is the only way!

3. They took note that these men had been with Jesus (v.13)

Wow! What a testimony. Father not only is there a demonstration of their union with Jesus, but these men took note of that demonstration in their minds. What a testimony it would be for skeptics to look at New Life Church and "take note" and then conclude that we are people who truly have been with Jesus! Wow!

4. All the believers were one in heart and mind (v.32)

Father to be so consumed with Christ and to be so missionally minded that we are one in heart and one in mind is truly one of my strongest desires for New Life Church. To be so in love with Christ that our personal preferences are just swept aside and actually our personal preferences become God's preferences is truly ideal.

Make us to be that kind of people, that kind of church, living like that within our community. Amen!

NLC Journal Day 3

Acts 3 -- 3.14.08

Father as I look through this chapter, I see that I am stirred within my soul for this kind of ministry to the people. I am praying these few aspects of ministry I glean from the Scriptures:

1. Why do you stare at us (v.12)

Father always protect me and the pastors and leaders of New Life Church from even desiring for the people to think much of us b/c of the work You are doing in their lives or in the lives of others. Guard us from contempt against Your holy name and Your glory amongst Your people and our community. And if anyone would even in ignorance think much of us, give us discernment to turn their thoughts and affections to You!

2. We are witnesses of this (v.15)

Father help to make us missional people that are consumed with the desire to be witnesses of Christ's resurrection and life.

3. Proclaim repentance for the forgiveness of sins (v.19)

Let us not shrink back Father from declaring and proclaiming to the people that they must repent and turn to God for forgiveness of sins and for the refreshment of their souls from the Lord.

Father establish this church, Your church, on the gospel and never let the gospel be something that fades in our minds and hearts, but let it always be fresh to us. Amen!

NLC Journal Day 2

Acts 2 -- 3.12.08

As I glean from chapter 2 I notice quickly that it is saturated with a lot of rich theology, specifically regarding the Holy Spirit. But I do notice a few things that stand out to me that could and will hopefully carry over to New Life.

1. God fearers (v.5)

In verse 5 I notice that many from around the world at the time had gathered to worship in Jerusalem. Luke describes these folks as God-fearing Jews. Now whether or not these God-fearers were Christ followers is not known but they were seeking to worship God in Jerusalem and so we hope that they were numbered with the 3,000 that believed on Jesus Christ.

This is what I'm praying for New Life, Father. That You will send us God-fearers who when confronted with the gospel will believe and be saved. I do recognize that we must go to the godless and confront them with he gospel as well. Even now Father establish a passion with New Life to be soul winners.

2. Declaring the wonders of God (v.11)

Father let us be the church that seeks to declare Your greatness and Your majesty to all those that would look and listen.

3. He will pour out His Spirit (v.17)

Even now Father pour out Your Spirit and fill us with the unction of Your Holy Spirit for vision and power to declare who You are with power and conviction. Whoever "US' may be!

(I should note that our core group was not formed at this time, so I'm praying for people/our core group that I have no idea who they will be or for some even met yet.)

4. Devoted Believers (v.42)

Father what a joy it would be to have a church that is so committed to you that it overflows in our commitment to one another. Father let us, make us, to be glad and have sincere hearts that would enjoy fellowship by breaking bread and eating together and praising God. And Father use that kind of testimony of our church to add to Your church daily those that will be saved.

Thank You Father for Your gift of the Holy Spirit. Empower us to be a church that is full of truth, love, light and help us impact our area for Christ. Amen!

(I should also note that I was not resolved at this time where God was wanting to plant New Life Church. A few options were Piperton, Eads, Arlington.)

NLC Journal Day 1

Some beginning thoughts; words; prayers and meditations on God's Word in respect to New Life Church...

As I begin this journal anticipating the great things that God will do and must do to establish His church, one desire that I have is to walk through the book of Acts and to mark down some thoughts and meditations that God would allow me to see and experience in New Life Church and its people.

ACTS 1 -- 3.11.08

Some gleanings in chapter 1

1. Jesus speaking about the Kingdom of God (v.3)

How wonderful that day will be when New Life gathers together for the first time in order to fulfill the desire of Christ by furthering the Kingdom of God through our lives.

2. Gift of the Holy Spirit (v.4-5)

What a longing I have to be filled with God's presence and anointing and power thru His Holy Spirit.

3. The Ascension of Christ (v.9-10)

To also look intently into the sky, but now for His return and only then will He return when His church shall be complete. Lord please let us be a part of seeing and leading many and hundreds of souls to the cross to find life, New Life.

4. Choosing of Mathias (v.12-26)

Lord please send us men that will take leadership roles in this church. Men who are filled with Your Spirit who strive to be satisfied only in you and seek to spread that enjoyment to others. And give us women who are godly and strive to boast only in the cross of Jesus Christ. Give us those kinds of people to help lead this church for your glory Lord! Amen!

My Journey Of Praying Thru Acts And Church Planting

Over the next week or so I will be posting some of my journal articles from 2 years ago when I began praying through the book of Acts each day for, of course, 28 days. It was a sweet time of communion with God as I was seeking His Word in prayer for guidance, direction, timing, location, everything church planting. I wanted to be consumed in my mind with His Word and how He established the gospel and churches in the early days of the church.

I hope those at NLC will appreciate how God worked in my life during this time and how by God's grace I stay tethered to His Word and did my best to shun all man-centered philosophy for starting a new church.

It was a difficult and busy time of my life, because I was in my last three months of seminary and about to graduate. I was preparing to be ordained to the pastoral ministry and I was also in the very early stages of starting a church.

God is good and I hope you will enjoy the journey he took me on in those early days of thinking about New Life Church.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Gospel Hurts!

About 10 minutes ago we prayed with our best friends...Andrew, Cassie, Noelle, & Uriyah Jones. We prayed with them b/c God is sending them overseas to push the gospel of Jesus Christ to where it is currently unheard of and unknown. They are leaving first thing in the morning to head to see family and then will go to Virginia for further training for 8 weeks then head out to their mission field.

The gospel hurts. The gospel hurts b/c we must say good bye to those who love Jesus and to those who are very dear to our lives in order for them to pursue the lost for Christ. It hurts b/c for those who live by the gospel must at times leave father, mother, sister, and brother for the kingdom to advance. My wife just told me that it has always been us who were leaving to go live in another state away from family, because of ministry, but this time we are on the other side of this 'separation'. Well this separation is only physical, b/c we are and will always be united in the power of the Holy Spirit.

But no doubt the gospel hurts and no doubt the gospel will heal, but today has already been tough for me and my wife. Please pray for The Joneses and for everyone who loves them.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Barabbas Had The Best View Of The Cross That Day

"Barabbas had a wonderful angle on the cross; he could point to the middle cross and say, "There would I have been, if He had not been put in my place"."

~ The Cross He Bore (p.87)

Good Friday


There Is A Wonder In The Mockery Crown

If we are to receive the crown of life, Christ must receive the crown of thorns. He cannot be our Saviour any other way. That is what Krummacher means when he comments that...

In the crown of his deity alone, Christ could only say to a dying thief, 'Be thou accursed'; but in the crown of thorns he can say, 'This day shalt thou be with me in Paradise.'

In the crown of his deity alone, he can only say to a Magdalene or a publican, 'Depart from me'; but in the crown of thorns he can say, 'Go in peace, your sins are forgiven you.'

It is in the diadem of thorns that he stoops low in humiliation and shame and sorrow to seek and to save sinners. It is only by the sharp thorn of his suffering that the poisonous thorn of our sin is drawn. In other words, apart from the cross God cannot forgive sin."

~ The Cross He Bore (p.66)

The Crown Of Many Mockeries

"That crown symbolized what sinful man thinks of Christ. He was not to be taken seriously. He was only fit for a stage-play! They made him a carnival king and placed on him the stamp of derision. With this mock robe, reed sceptre and crown of thorns, he was made to look like a theatrical figure.

Luther says that Christ was 'numbered with the transgressors, crucified as a rebel, killed by His own people in supreme disgrace, and as the most abandoned of men'. Ah yes! 'supreme disgrace', the shameful crown of thorns woven by the hands of men and placed on the Saviour's brow--man's estimate of Christ!"

~ The Cross He Bore (p.65)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

They Were All Substitutionary

"William Symington rightly affirms,
'In every case He suffered for us, never for Himself'; and he adds, 'Not one throb of pain did He feel, not one pang of sorrow did He experience, not one sigh of anguish did He leave, not one tear of grief did He shed for Himself. If not one of His sufferings was personal, it follows that they were all substitutionary...During the whole period of his [earthly] life the Saviour 'was a-slaying'."
~ The Cross He Bore (p.61)

There Was A 'Greater' Hand Present

"Just as Caiaphas spoke more profoundly than he realized when he said that it was better that one should die than that they all should perish, so Christ's tormentors must have struck a chord in the Saviour's mind as they chanted, 'Who is it that struck you?'

Many hands were raised against him, both human and demonic, but Christ knew that there was one hand above all others that smote him. And as he bore our sins that hand did not spare him. 'It was the will of the Lord to bruise him; he has put him to grief...' (Isaiah 53.10)."

~ The Cross He Bore (p.58)