Monday, April 12, 2010

NLC Journal Day 4

Acts 4 -- 3.18.08

As I continue this study through Acts I can't help but believe that God will truly be pleased to answer all these prayers, since it is coming straight from His Word.

Father in chapter 4 there are once again several aspects of the early church that I desire strongly for New Life. Please make these come to reality in New Life Church.

1. Many who heard the message believed and the number of men grew (v.4)

Father this is no uncommon prayer, but I must pray now and will, by Your grace pray til my dieing day, as the people hear Your message and Your Word preached cause them to believe, cause them to bow down with brokenness and sorrow over their sin and make them to believe Your Word. Grow our number this way--through conversions--Holy Spirit conversions!

2. Salvation is found in no one else (v.12)

Father give us boldness saturated in love to always herald and proclaim--Jesus is the only way!

3. They took note that these men had been with Jesus (v.13)

Wow! What a testimony. Father not only is there a demonstration of their union with Jesus, but these men took note of that demonstration in their minds. What a testimony it would be for skeptics to look at New Life Church and "take note" and then conclude that we are people who truly have been with Jesus! Wow!

4. All the believers were one in heart and mind (v.32)

Father to be so consumed with Christ and to be so missionally minded that we are one in heart and one in mind is truly one of my strongest desires for New Life Church. To be so in love with Christ that our personal preferences are just swept aside and actually our personal preferences become God's preferences is truly ideal.

Make us to be that kind of people, that kind of church, living like that within our community. Amen!

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