Acts 8 -- 3.26.08
Father as the church began to spread/scatter and it becomes the object of more and more persecution one can only notice that the growing of the church is a result from the persecution. I admit to You Father that I do not know exactly how to pray through this or even for it. I hear about the persecution on the underground church in China and how millions are coming to Christ and Paul says that he fulfills what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ. I want the church to be established and even grow, but it is difficult for me to pray that the witness--affliction--of Christ would be made complete in the members of New Life. But I can pray that You would do a mighty work in us that we would be made willing to give that kind of witness for Christ!
Two more things stand out for me in Chapter 8...
1. Preaching the Word wherever they went and proclaiming Christ there (v.4)
What an incredible boldness Father that You gave to those Christians. Give that same kind of passion, awareness and boldness to New Life, so that we will proclaim and preach Christ wherever we are!
2. Philip told him the good news about Jesus (v.30-35)
I pray Father that You would give us men and women who could and would take the Scriptures and teach and disciple and lead folks to come to know Christ. That they would be willing to lay down their lives in order to invest their life into others who would grow into mature followers of Christ. Even from the OT, Philip proclaimed Christ to this worshipper and to see this man respond to the gospel is an awesome testimony of Your power to bring life where there is death and cause men and women to walk in Your ways is a strong desire that I long to see in New Life.
Make that happen even now Father. Bring us people who are searching and desiring after the things of God. Because those who seek and those who desire give evidence of Your Spirit's work in their life. Bear a fruitful harvest at New Life Father. Display Your glory to the world through New Life Church one soul at a time, but let there be a lot of 'times', so we can see a lot of souls saved...made alive to walk in a new way of life! Amen.
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